Category : News

New SHOWROOM in Meda

We are happy to inform you that the new showroom has been inaugurated where you can view all our collections in the new Meda headquarters

See you at 60th edition of Salone del Mobile

We are proud to invite you to the 60th edition of the Milan furniture fair where we will present our new collection. From 13 to 18 of Aprile 2021

We’re back

We are ready to fulfill all your requests. In this emergency period we are always open, you can contact us at +39.02.87178372 or at We design and create tailor-made objects

Salone del Mobile 2017 – Milano Shanghai

Rampoldi Creations | Rampoldi Casa è lieta di comunicare che sarà presente alla 2a edizione per il Salone del Mobile.Milano Shanghai, che dal 23 al 25 novembre 2017 porterà sul palcoscenico del SEC – Shanghai Exhibition Center – il meglio della produzione del Made in Italy dell’arredo e del design. Vi aspettiamo al Salone Milano Shanghai Nov 23-25: WEST WG23 Ground Floor Ritorna il […]


SALONE INTERNAZIONALE DEL MOBILE MILANO – RHO APRIL 4-9, 2017 _____________________ PAD. 1  Xlux  STAND H08  

Rampoldi presenta: Rampoldi Casa / FAIRMONT COLLECTION

In occasione del Salone del Mobile 2017, Milano-Rho, presenteremo la nuova collezione contemporanea Rampoldi Casa / Fairmont.